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Water for Afghanistan - Bundeswehr use with E+M-Drilling-Rig U3V-03 |
New press report online! |
E+M Brunnenbau und Bohrtechnik GmbH opens new head office
On November 28, 2008, the new location for the head office and production department of the E+M Brunnenbau und Bohrtechnik GmbH has officially been inaugurated.
After the company was founded with approximately 90 employees at the beginning of 2007, it has been possible to achieve a high volume of orders. It has been possible to hire many new employees, so that the company now moves into the ...
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The large drill hole hammer by E+M |
Since 2005, the E+M Brunnenbau und Bohrtechnik GmbH has been developing the new technology for the large drill hole technique by means of the hammer drilling method.
Areas of application: In particular, the technology is suitable for solid rock, especially in case of problematic conditions (alternating stratums, fissures, low lying water levels or the like), which require an auxiliary piping , but it is also suitable as overburden drilling system for stratums with boulder, debris, gompholite etc.
In the PDF file which you can download below, you will find a more detailed description of the large drill hole hammer by E+M.
Product data sheet E+M large drill hole hammer Download: PDF-file (1,46MB) (only in german)